Foundation Repair
Cracked bricks, sticking doors and windows, and cracks around door frames are signs of foundation problems.
Schedule Free InspectionFoundation Problem Signs
Foundation problems are visible in many ways throughout your home. Here are some common problem signs.
Bowing Foundation Walls
Learn about the risks posed by bowed basement walls and how AFS provides comprehensive solutions to protect your home.
Cracked Chimney
A cracked chimney should not be overlooked. Uncover its causes, remedies, and how AFS can support you with lasting fixes.
Uneven Floor
Uneven floors signal foundation issues. Understand causes like soil erosion, tree roots and learn how to fix them!
Cracks in Foundation Wall
Confused by sudden cracks in your foundation? Discover what's behind these unsettling signs and the right steps to resolve them.
Your foundation is the key element that makes up your home’s structural integrity. It is responsible for keeping your home upright and safe for you and your family. When it begins experiencing problems due to water or soil, it can spell out trouble for the rest of your home. Destruction such as bowing or cracking walls, sticking windows and doors, floor and wall gaps, and sloping or uneven floors are all signs of foundation damage. For the most part, foundation problems arise due to the soil upon which it was built.
In Birmingham, the area is filled with expansive clay soil that swells when it becomes saturated and shrinks when it dries out in the warmer months. This repeated shrink-and-swell cycle can lead to your foundation settling and shifting into the soil which can cause severe structural defects. If you notice any of the above problem signs happening in your home, it’s important to set up an inspection with the team at AFS Foundation and Waterproofing Specialists. We proudly offer tailored solutions for your foundation’s exact needs, and we have over 20 years of experience in pinpointing what’s happening to your home.
Causes of Foundation Damage
Your foundation can suffer damage for various reasons, including problematic soil under and around your home. Here are some common causes of foundation issues.
Loamy soils are usually a very stable soil that shows little change with the increase or decrease of moisture temperature.
The primary concern with foundations built on loamy soils is erosion. When soils underneath your foundation erode, they may begin to be inappropriate strata for sustaining the weight of a foundation and home structure.
Soils rich in clay and silt have the greatest potential to damage a foundation. Clay absorbs water easily, expanding in volume as it becomes more saturated. So-called “expansive clays” can cause foundations to crack, heave and shift.
When clay soils dry out, they shrink and crack, leaving gaps around a house where water from the next storm can penetrate easily and deeply to repeat the expansion cycle. Clay-rich soils usually cause more foundation damage by expanding than by contracting.
Water passes through sandy soils rather than being absorbed. This fact makes sandy soils very stable. Instead of expanding as they absorb moisture and contracting as they dry out, sandy soils maintain a fairly consistent volume and density.
Because of their stability and good load-bearing qualities, sandy soils are less likely to shift and settle, so they rarely cause foundation problems. Unfortunately, sandy soils are less commonly found than other more problematic soil types.
A tree growing in expansive soil can be dangerous because as the roots grow, they compact the soil and push it towards the foundation walls and place a lot of pressure on them. Bama soil, on the other hand, does not compact very well because of all the sand. Bama soil is incredibly brittle too, so as the tree roots grow, they displace the brittle sandy loam, creating gaps along your foundation soil.
Knowing what kind of tree you have and how much water it absorbs is just as important as knowing what kind of soil you have. This way, you can landscape your yard in a way that works best for whatever soil and trees you have.
When the soils underneath your foundation fail to support the weight of your home, the foundation will begin to settle unevenly, and cracks will appear.
As vertical cracks form and the wall or corner of the house begins to rotate, you will typically see cracks that are wider at the top or bottom.
Foundation cracks that are caused by settlement are very serious, and they will only get worse over time as the home continues to move. If you are concerned that your foundation may be cracking due to settlement issues, it’s best to consult a professional right away.
More about foundation settlement.
Award-Winning Service
Foundation Repair Solutions
With over two decades of helping homeowners restore and protect their homes, we have the knowledge it takes to combat even the toughest of foundation problems. We offer proven solutions and we’re committed to making your home safe once more.
Wall Anchors
AFS Foundation Repair's wall anchor system stabilizes foundation walls and prevents further deterioration. Learn more here.
Foundation Piers
Experiencing a settling foundation? AFS’ foundation piers provide long-lasting stabilization for your home!
IntelliBrace™ Wall Repair System
Safeguard your property with the groundbreaking IntelliBrace™ System, the premier choice for bowed and cracked basement walls!
Crawl Space Jack
Sagging floors? Installing crawl space jacks stabilizes uneven floors and restores stability.
Is Foundation Repair the Right Solution for Me?
If you’re wondering if your foundation is damaged because of the problem signs you’re noticing around your home, chances are, it is. Foundation problems are usually caused by the underlying soil which can erode or wash away, leaving your home to shift and settle. Although the damage may start out small, it can grow into more serious problems over time. Luckily, at AFS Foundation and Waterproofing Specialists, we specialize in repairing and restoring foundations so that you can rest easy knowing your home is structurally sound once more.
Foundation replacement has never been taken lightly, of course, but there was a time when it was the only viable option for many people. This is, thankfully, no longer the case. While there are some cases in which replacement is necessary, we always view it as a last resort.
Lifting and Repair
Lifting and repairing a damaged foundation is easier than ever thanks to things like polyurethane foam and foundation pier systems. These tools and products make it possible to lift, stabilize, and restore foundations that would have been considered beyond saving even 50 years ago! Of course, they are specialist tools that require professional input, but the benefits of repairing rather than replacing your property’s foundation are many.
First and foremost, there is the matter of cost. While no one would even call foundation repair a small expense, replacing a foundation is still more expensive and, sadly, far less effective. You see, repair methods address the cause of the damage in a way that simply replacing a foundation cannot. This means that pier systems and other repair products offer an all-around solution.
Replacement as a Last Resort
The biggest problem with replacing a damaged foundation is the fact that it simply ignores the underlying issues. This means that, as well as being expensive and inconvenient, replacement is ineffective unless you also invest in a repair solution that deals with the original cause of the damage. As such, a replaced foundation is almost certain to experience the same issues as the original one.
This is why replacement is a last resort. Here at AFS Foundation & Waterproofing Specialists, we will only ever suggest replacement if your foundation is entirely defective or too damaged to be salvaged and repaired. Even then, we will do our best to only replace the sections of a foundation that are beyond help. This will take a long time and cause much disruption, however, because the new foundation concrete must be allowed to properly set before we will be able to install piers or other repair solutions.
Wall braces are one of the most reliable solutions to bowing walls. Their only downside is that some space is required for their installation. If you and your neighbor’s property lines are too close or there simply isn’t enough yard space for the job to be completed, then AFS has the solution: IntelliBrace™ Wall System.
- Wall Braces
SettleStop is a wall bracing system that stabilizes bowing walls and even straightens them over time. The steel beams have a rust-resistant coating of zinc and are guaranteed to last for the rest of the property’s life, making it a long-term solution to bowing basement walls.
One of the best things about wall braces is that they don’t require any kind of excavation. No yard disturbance is necessary for installation, making it a perfect solution for homeowners that want minimum disturbances while the wall is being repaired. It’s also perfect for those that don’t have the space for wall anchors, since the bracing system is all installed indoors.
- How They Help
The wall braces are first cut to fit the height of your basement. The braces are then attached to brackets at the top. The contractor then makes sure that every beam is in place using a level ruler and finishes setting the beams so they are perfectly spaced out.
At the bottom of the beams, at the floor joists, bolts are used to tighten the beams against the wall. Because the I-beams used for the IntelliBrace™ system run along the entirety of the wall, tightening the bolts forces the wall to straighten out to its original position.
Although it may not seem like it, foundation heave can cause quite a lot of problems in your home, especially if it goes unfixed. Fortunately, foundation heave can be quite easy to catch before it results in these drastic results. Regardless, foundation heave that goes unfixed can be very destructive.
Other Foundation Issues
Foundation heave that remains unrepaired can lead to even more foundation issues. Some of the more common foundation problems include foundation settling, caused by soil shrinkage, compaction, and settlement under constant exposure to water, bowed-in foundation walls, caused by hydrostatic pressure, or uneven concrete floorings and house structures. Foundation heave can also cause cracks to form inside and outside your house.
In more extreme cases, foundation heave can cause leaking in your crawl space and even your basement. This typically occurs when foundation heave is present with the other previously mentioned foundation problems. Water being introduced into other areas of your home can, therefore, open a whole avenue of other issues outside your foundation, which can be very costly and time-consuming to repair.
Lifestyle Issues
Foundation heave that is left unchecked not only alters the integrity of your soil and your home, but it can also affect your daily life as well. Since foundation heave can pose a tripping hazard, it can make your landscape difficult to walk across and even be problematic for your cars if the foundation heave has altered your driveway. Furthermore, it can also disrupt your landscape aesthetics because it can look incredibly unsightly, as it makes concrete slabs uneven and ridden with water.
The damage it can cause to your home, such as cracks and misaligned doorways and window frames, can change your living space environment as well. Cracks in your walls, doors and windows that do not close properly can introduce and host a multitude of pests inside your home. It can also affect the temperatures within your home since even these tiny openings allow some of the outside air to waft inside. Since Alabama and Tennessee experience both cold and hot temperatures at separate times of the year, this can cause your electricity bills to skyrocket as you try to maintain a comfortable temperature inside.
Unless your house was installed with push piers from the moment it was built, foundation settling is inevitable. This is because no matter how much you try to stop it, soil will become displaced. External factors like soil quality and weather are what determine soil displacement, so there isn’t much homeowners can do. However, there are certain changes you can make to make sure the soil degradation process is as slow as possible.
Outdoor Prevention
Outdoors, you should talk to a landscaping expert to determine the grade of your yard. A negative grade means that water flows toward your foundation whenever it rains. If needed, you can regrade your lawn so that water drains away from your home. Downspouts should be extended so that they drain water as far from your home as possible and no water gets the chance of saturating the soil.
During the rainiest time of year, make sure to continuously check your drainage systems for any debris. You don’t want water flowing down the side of your home because of clogged gutters. During the winter, shovel the snow out of your yard as often as you can, especially during the beginning and end of winter, when the temperature isn’t cold enough to keep snow from melting. You don’t want any water from the melted snow seeping into your soil.
Indoor Prevention
Indoors, you need to set up a proper drainage system for your foundation. This means installing an interior drain system and a sump pump if you don’t already have one. Keeping your foundation dry is just as important as keeping the soil outside dry as well. Water is an erosive element that can damage the materials your foundation is made of. The more cracks and breakage in a foundation, the faster it will settle.
Consider getting a second sump pump, especially if you live in Alabama. Sump pumps get overworked during rainy seasons and often malfunction as a result. A second sump pump will guarantee that your foundation stays as dry as possible no matter how severe the weather is.
Advanced settling causes certain structural issues around the home, not just in the foundation itself. If the settling gets severe, you’ll be paying for more than just foundation repairs. To avoid the damage and the extra repair costs, familiarize yourself with the problem signs. The moment you notice the settling, you can contact your local foundation experts to stop the settling completely.
Indoor Signs
You’ll want to start in your basement since the signs will be most severe closest to the foundation. Check for cracks along the floor and the walls, as well for any spots where leaking is common. Use a level ruler to measure the evenness of the space, and if there is any uneven area despite the smoothness of the surface, there’s likely some settling.
In the upper portions of your home, look for cracks along the ceiling and the walls. If you have jammed doors or windows, that’s another clear sign of settling since the tilting house is warping the frame. Walk around the house and see if you can feel any areas where the floor is uneven. If you can’t feel anything, use a level ruler too, as it’s possible that the damage isn’t severe enough to cause sagging floors, only slight unevenness.
Outdoor Signs
Again, you can start looking for signs from top to bottom outside as well. Check along the bottom of the home for any cracks. All concrete displays hairline cracks after a few years, but if the cracks are plentiful and wide, it indicates a problem. One of the clearest signs of settling is stair-step cracking along the mortar. If the crack is wider at the top than it is at the bottom, the settling is advanced.
Observe your chimney to see if it’s tilting. The good thing about chimneys is that because of their height, it’s easy to spot unevenness. Look at the chimney from multiple angles and search for cracks. If your front porch has handrails, unevenness there also indicates settling. If you aren’t sure about the signs you are seeing, contact a local foundation expert for a professional assessment.
Some homeowners that have a lot of foundation issues may consider completely replacing their foundation. While this may certainly repair foundation problems, such as foundation heave, fully replacing your foundation does not properly address the issue. Repairs, especially those offered by AFS Repair, can fix your foundation problems at the root cause so that it does not happen again in the future.
Costs of Foundation Replacement
Replacing your entire foundation has a lot of hidden costs. Not only do contractors have to uproot and replace all your concrete, but they must put temporary support posts in place in order to support your home as they work on your foundation. Foundation replacement also requires that the soil be entirely replaced as well. Furthermore, even when your foundation is completely replaced, this does not guarantee that the issues will not come back because replacement does not address the source of the problem.
This can be quite a lengthy and costly process. There are a lot of components to consider, such as foundation demolition, concrete pouring, soil replacement, and lifting your home with temporary support jacks. Even the most trained contractors require a lot of time to complete a big job like this. It also requires a substantial number of tools and protective equipment to accomplish.
Benefits of Foundation Repair
Many of the foundation repair options that are offered by AFS Repair, fortunately, face the root cause of your foundation issues and resolve them. This makes for a much longer-lasting solution, which is more cost-effective overall. Some of these options include the:
- Slab, Push, or Helical Pier System
- SettleStop Wall Anchor System
- SettleStop Channel Anchors
- SettleStop Wall Brace
- Crawl Space Support Posts
While it seems like there are many options to choose from, remember that the option you select depends on the issue you wish to address. You may be overwhelmed by the sheer number of solutions. However, do not worry. The expert contractors at AFS Repair will help you to select which one works best to repair your foundation.
Why is Foundation Repair Needed?
Whether it’s a hairline crack in your wall or a sticking window in the summer, foundation problems should never be ignored, no matter how small. These issues can manifest themselves into full-scale structural damage and can result in thousands of dollars in repairs. Having a damaged foundation can also result in higher energy bills and aid in a harmful living environment.
Enhances Structural Integrity and Safety
When your home’s structure becomes damaged, it can be nerve-racking for anyone living under its roof. Problem signs such as uneven floors or cracks in your walls can be the first indicators of a snowball effect waiting to happen. By ignoring these subtle signs at first, you could be heading towards complete foundation failure. Prevent this from happening by calling the team at AFS for a full inspection of your home’s interior and exterior. Our proven, and trusted solutions can get your home back on track to structural safety.
Improves Real Estate Value
Ensuring your home is structurally sound and safe before you decide to list it is not only an important thing to do, but also you could increase its resale value. While there are many people in the market looking for a fixer-upper, most are expecting their new home to be free of problems. When your foundation is damaged it can reduce your home’s value by up to 30 percent. It’s important to ensure your foundation is structurally sound before listing it on the market.
Protects Against Mold Growth
To some, mold may seem like a common occurrence in a home, and one that isn’t a pressing issue. Mold and mildew growth can also pale in comparison when dealing with other issues such as flooding, structural damage, or other home repairs. Nonetheless, mold formation in your house is a serious issue that can impact your home and your health in many unexpected ways. Thankfully, mold is relatively easy to deal with on its own by a mold removal professional. Of course, it would be far preferable to prevent mold from forming in the first place by ensuring your foundation is repaired and free from cracks or water damage.
Common Foundation Repair Tips & Mistakes
Helpful Tips for Foundation Repair
- Although unseen, certain trees have root systems that can be invasive and cause serious structural damage to your home. As they spread in their search for water, they can break through the concrete walls of your foundation and cause cracks to form. If you want to protect your home from tree roots, research which species are minimally invasive and make sure to plant them far away enough from your home. This will guarantee your home stays safe from tree-related damage.
- You may not always realize it, but the grade of your yard plays a role in determining how much water your foundation experiences. If your landscape has a negative grade, anytime it rains, the water will pool around the perimeter of your home. If your home has a positive grade, the water will flow away. Be sure to contact a landscape specialist if you are unsure of your yard’s grade.
- By regularly cleaning your gutters, you can avoid any clogs or blockages that could lead to water overflowing and pooling around your foundation. Inspecting your gutters for damage can also help ensure that they’re in proper working order.
Mistakes to Avoid A Failing Foundation
- Did you know that foundation damage can lead to higher energy bills? By having cracks along your foundation, it can let moisture in which leads to your HVAC systems having to work harder. If you seal up the source of moisture and make necessary repairs, you can have more control over your temperature. When there’s less work for your HVAC systems to do, your energy bill will remain consistent and lower.
- If your foundation or basement is experiencing moisture, it’s likely that you have mold growing somewhere in your home. All that mold needs to thrive is a dark and damp environment, from there it will find any organic matter in your home to feed from. This can lead to respiratory issues such as asthma or allergies, especially if the strain of mold is black mold. By repairing your foundation, you can prevent mold from growing and spreading throughout your home.
- If your downspouts are placed too close to your home, chances are water will be able to seep down to your foundation and cause damage. By extending your downspouts at least 8 ft. away from the perimeter of your home, you can decrease the likelihood of this happening.
Find your service area
Dothan, AL
Located in the Coastal Plains geographical region of Alabama, Dothan experiences heavy rain throughout the year and is home to sandy soils. This combination can cause many problems for your foundation, but AFS has solutions designed to keep your home safe.
Huntsville, AL
Water and humidity in your home can lead to structural and health issues that impact your family’s safety. AFS has the best permanent solutions tailored to your Huntsville home’s exact repair and protection needs.
Mobile, AL
A damaged crawl space is common in Mobile, AL— but it doesn’t have to be that way. AFS has proven solutions to stop moisture in its tracks and restore your home's original stability.
Columbus, GA
Columbus’ clay soil and frequent rainfall create a difficult environment for your foundation. Over time, these weather and soil conditions will cause foundation damage, and AFS has the tools to repair your home for good.
Chattanooga, TN
Chattanooga has sandy, silty soil and a rainy climate that can cause damage to your home's concrete and foundation, as well as the basement and crawl space.
Nashville, TN
Nashville is a popular place to live for its musical culture, but the area’s springtime storms and crumbly soil cause problems for your foundation and concrete. However, AFS has years of experience keeping Nashville homes protected from these issues.
Birmingham, AL
Rainwater and humid, muggy air can have a big impact on the foundation of your family's home. The professionals at AFS have solutions to repair even the toughest crawl space, foundation, or concrete problems.
Knoxville, TN
Knoxville’s clay soil and frequent precipitation don’t make a good match for your foundation. Together, these conditions cause heavy damage to your foundation and your home’s structure. AFS has solutions that prevent damage for good.
Pensacola, FL
Moisture and foundation damage negatively impact Pensacola homes, but AFS offers a wealth of expertise and award-winning services and solutions to improve the health, safety, value, and appearance of your home.
Bowling Green, KY
High precipitation in Bowling Green puts your foundation at risk for damage, which causes tons of problem signs around your home. But AFS has industry-leading solutions and expertise that keep your home protected.
Louisville, KY
Prevent water leaks and damage with customized solutions from AFS. Our services solve the root cause of damage. Free inspections!
Concrete Leveling in Gulfport, MS
Concrete Lifting & Leveling in Gulfport, MS In Gulfport, MS, our daily routines depend heavily on well-maintained concrete, from the paths we walk to the driveways we use. However, concrete in Gulfport faces its own unique challenges due to the local climate. Gulfport experiences an average annual rainfall of about 65 inches, significantly higher than […]
Foundation Repair in Gulfport, MS
Foundation Repair in Gulfport, MS If you’ve been delaying repairs for issues like foundation settlement or a cracking chimney in Gulfport, MS, it’s time to reconsider. Although foundation repair might not be on your immediate to-do list, ensuring the stability of your foundation is crucial for your family’s safety. Foundation problems only worsen over time; […]
Gulfport, MS
Gulf Port's humid subtropical climate and consistent rainfall cause trouble for your home. AFS has solutions to prevent damage!
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Auburn, AL
Auburn’s climate, characterized by high humidity and an average annual rainfall of approximately 53 inches, poses a significant risk to crawl spaces. Moisture accumulation can lead to serious issues such as mold, mildew, wood rot, and pest infestations. The damp environment of a crawl space is particularly vulnerable, making it imperative for homeowners to take […]
Concrete Lifting in Boonville, IN
In Boonville, the combination of average annual rainfall of 42 inches and varying soil types can lead to issues with concrete stability. When soil erodes due to excessive moisture, it can no longer support concrete structures, causing them to sink and create uneven surfaces. This can result in tripping hazards and damage to vehicles. AFS […]
Concrete Lifting in Leitchfield, KY
In Leitchfield, the soil conditions can lead to concrete issues such as cracking and uneven slabs, especially with the area’s clay soil composition. The expansive nature of this soil can cause concrete driveways, sidewalks, and patios to sink over time, detracting from your home’s aesthetic appeal and potentially posing safety risks. AFS offers PolyRenewal, an […]
Concrete Lifting in Oneonta, AL
Oneonta’s climate can lead to issues with uneven and cracked concrete surfaces around your home. The area’s soil composition, combined with seasonal rainfall, can result in erosion and sinking concrete slabs. If you notice cracks or uneven surfaces, our PolyRenewal solution is designed to swiftly lift and stabilize your concrete, often in as little as […]
Concrete Lifting in Nolensville, TN
Concrete surfaces in Nolensville can deteriorate over time due to the area’s heavy rainfall, averaging 50 inches annually. The combination of rain and clay soils can lead to soil erosion, resulting in sinking concrete and uneven surfaces. This not only creates safety hazards such as trip risks but can also damage your vehicles. AFS utilizes […]
Concrete Lifting in Killen, AL
The soil beneath your concrete surfaces in Killen is crucial for maintaining their integrity. The region’s high rainfall, averaging around 54 inches annually, can lead to soil erosion, which in turn causes concrete to sink and create uneven surfaces. This can result in tripping hazards and damage to vehicles. AFS utilizes PolyRenewal, a polyurethane injection […]
Concrete Lifting in Cynthiana, KY
Cynthiana’s weather patterns, coupled with its clay-rich soil, can lead to uneven and cracked concrete surfaces around your property. The moisture from rainfall can cause the clay to expand and contract, resulting in tripping hazards and unsightly concrete areas that detract from your home’s curb appeal. If you notice any sunken or uneven concrete, our […]
Concrete Lifting in Brewton, AL
In Brewton, the expansive clay soil can cause concrete slabs to crack or sink, affecting your driveway, sidewalks, and patios. Traditional repair methods often fail to address the root cause of the problem—water saturation in the soil. AFS provides an innovative solution called PolyRenewal, which involves injecting polyurethane foam beneath the concrete slab to stabilize […]
Concrete Lifting in Byron, GA
Homeowners in Byron, GA, may encounter issues with sinking or uneven concrete slabs, often attributed to the region’s clay soil, which can expand and contract with moisture changes. Cracks in driveways, sidewalks, and patios can detract from your home’s aesthetic appeal and value. Traditional methods like mudjacking may not resolve the issue in the long […]
Basement Waterproofing in Cynthiana, KY
In Cynthiana, heavy rainfall can significantly impact your basement, making it susceptible to water damage. Look for signs like efflorescence, a white powdery residue that forms on concrete surfaces when moisture seeps through. The humid climate can also lead to mold growth and unpleasant odors in your basement. Effective waterproofing solutions, such as sump pumps […]
Concrete Lifting in Ashland City, TN
The soil conditions in Ashland City, characterized by clay and loam, can lead to issues with concrete surfaces over time. With the area’s average annual precipitation creating a moist environment, homeowners may notice their concrete walkways and driveways becoming uneven or cracked due to soil erosion and settling. Our PolyRenewal solution employs innovative polyurethane injection […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Leitchfield, KY
The humid climate in Leitchfield, combined with the average annual rainfall of approximately 52 inches, creates an environment ripe for crawl space problems. Excess moisture can lead to serious issues such as mold, wood rot, and pest infestations. AFS provides tailored crawl space repair solutions, including encapsulation and dehumidification systems, to effectively manage moisture levels […]
Foundation Repair in Killen, AL
A solid foundation is essential for any home, and in Killen, Alabama, the foundation’s stability is closely linked to the underlying soil. The area features clay-rich soils that, while generally supportive, can become unstable due to excessive rainfall, which averages 54 inches per year. Homeowners should be vigilant for signs of foundation issues, such as […]
Concrete Lifting in Dayton, TN
Dayton’s climate and soil conditions can lead to common issues with concrete surfaces, such as cracking and unevenness. The area’s clayey soil combined with seasonal rainfall can create a shifting environment that undermines the stability of your concrete. If you notice sunken or uneven concrete around your home, PolyRenewal is an effective solution to consider. […]
Basement Waterproofing in Brewton, AL
Brewton experiences a significant amount of rainfall, averaging around 60 inches annually, which can lead to flooding and moisture issues in your basement. Homeowners with wet basements often face unpleasant odors and health hazards. It’s crucial to address signs of water intrusion, such as cracks in walls and floors, efflorescence, and damp areas where the […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Oneonta, AL
A compromised crawl space in Oneonta can lead to significant structural issues, including sagging and uneven floors that might feel bouncy. If this situation is left unchecked, it can destabilize your entire home, posing risks to your property and loved ones. Our crawl space repair solutions, including the installation of support jacks, provide essential stability, […]
Foundation Repair in Cynthiana, KY
Cynthiana’s damp climate and the presence of clay soil can create challenges for your foundation’s stability. Extended periods of rain can saturate the soil, leading to erosion and inadequate support for your foundation. When the clay expands due to moisture, it can exert pressure on your foundation walls, causing cracks and bowing. Timely foundation repair […]
Concrete Lifting in Kathleen, GA
Kathleen’s humid subtropical climate, combined with its clayey soil, can lead to uneven concrete surfaces in and around your home. The soil in this region tends to expand and contract with moisture levels, often causing sidewalks, driveways, and patios to crack or sink over time. If you’re faced with uneven concrete, our innovative PolyRenewal solution […]
Basement Waterproofing in Byron, GA
In Byron, homeowners often face challenges with basement moisture due to the area’s climate and precipitation patterns. With an average annual rainfall of about 50 inches, unprotected basements can quickly become susceptible to water intrusion, leading to issues such as mold, mildew, and structural damage. It’s essential to identify early signs of water damage, including […]
Foundation Repair in Brewton, AL
The stability of your home in Brewton is directly influenced by the soil it stands on, particularly the expansive clay that causes fluctuations in moisture levels. With Brewton receiving approximately 60 inches of rain per year, the ground around your home can swell, exerting pressure on foundation walls and leading to cracks and uneven floors. […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Nolensville, TN
The crawl space is a crucial part of your home’s structure, especially in Nolensville where high humidity and an average annual rainfall of 50 inches can lead to moisture issues. With the region’s clay soils, water can easily accumulate in crawl spaces, leading to problems such as mold growth, wood rot, and increased humidity levels. […]
Concrete Lifting in Clarksville, IN
The weather in Clarksville can be unpredictable, with its fair share of rain contributing to soil erosion and settling issues. Homeowners often find themselves dealing with cracked and uneven concrete surfaces due to the combination of clay and loamy soils which can shift with the moisture levels. If your concrete has become sunken or uneven, […]
Basement Waterproofing in Ashland City, TN
In Ashland City, heavy rainfall can lead to significant water intrusion in basements, making waterproofing essential for maintaining a safe and healthy home. Homeowners should be vigilant for signs of moisture, such as efflorescence, which indicates water seeping through concrete walls and floors. This moisture can promote mold growth and produce unpleasant odors, further compromising […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Killen, AL
In Killen, your crawl space plays a vital role in your home, providing support and housing essential utilities. Unfortunately, with an average annual rainfall of 54 inches, moisture can easily seep into this area, leading to high humidity, musty odors, and wood rot. These conditions can severely impact your home’s structural integrity and your family’s […]
Foundation Repair in Byron, GA
For Byron homeowners, foundation stability is a critical concern due to the presence of expansive clay soil in the area. This type of soil is known to swell when wet and shrink in dry conditions, which can lead to significant pressure on foundation walls, resulting in cracks and uneven settling. With an average precipitation of […]
Concrete Lifting in Signal Mountain, TN
Heavy rainfall in Signal Mountain can lead to soil erosion, which compromises the stability of concrete structures. With an average annual precipitation of approximately 60 inches, the soil beneath your concrete surfaces can become unstable, causing them to sink and crack. This not only affects the aesthetics of your property but can also create tripping […]
Foundation Repair in Sellersburg, IN
Sellersburg’s wet climate and clay-heavy soil can pose serious challenges for homeowners regarding foundation stability. When rain saturates the soil, it can lead to erosion and instability, causing foundation settlement and structural issues. The clay soil can exert pressure on foundation walls, leading to cracks and water intrusion. Addressing these issues promptly with professional foundation […]
Foundation Repair in Ashland City, TN
Ashland City’s climate, marked by wet winters and humid summers, can create significant challenges for foundation stability. The local soil, often high in clay, can expand and contract with moisture fluctuations, leading to pressure on your foundation that may result in cracks and bowing walls. Addressing these issues promptly with appropriate foundation repair solutions is […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Cynthiana, KY
In Cynthiana, a compromised crawl space can lead to serious structural issues, including sagging floors and uneven surfaces. Ignoring these signs can threaten the stability of your entire home. By installing crawl space support jacks, you can provide the necessary reinforcement to your floor joists, restoring balance and stability to your living space. AFS Foundation […]
Concrete Lifting in Saraland, AL
In Saraland, the expansive clay soil can often lead to problems such as cracking and sinking concrete slabs. This issue can significantly impact the aesthetic and functional value of your property, causing problems with driveways, sidewalks, and patios. Traditional methods such as mudjacking or complete slab replacement may not provide lasting results because they fail […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Sellersburg, IN
In Sellersburg, a compromised crawl space can lead to significant issues such as sagging floors and structural instability. The moisture-laden environment can cause wood rot and mold growth, which can further damage your home. Utilizing crawl space support jacks can effectively stabilize your floors and restore them to their original position, ensuring the safety and […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Brewton, AL
With Brewton receiving around 60 inches of rain each year, moisture is a significant threat to your crawl space. This humidity leads to condensation, mold, and wood rot, creating an environment that is inviting for pests. AFS offers tailored crawl space encapsulation solutions that effectively lock out moisture. Our systems include sealed vapor barriers, drainage […]
Concrete Lifting in Gautier, MS
Concrete surfaces in Gautier can suffer from settling due to the area’s heavy rainfall and clay-rich soils, which can erode and lose their supportive capacity. With an average annual precipitation of 64 inches, the soil may not be able to adequately support concrete structures, leading to sinking and uneven surfaces. This can create hazardous conditions, […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Vancleave, MS
A compromised crawl space in Vancleave can lead to noticeable floor issues, such as sagging and bounciness. These symptoms can indicate serious structural concerns, risking the stability of your entire home. Utilizing crawl space support jacks can effectively restore your floor joists to their original position, providing essential support and maintaining the integrity of your […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Byron, GA
In Byron, the humid climate combined with an average annual rainfall of approximately 50 inches creates perfect conditions for moisture-related problems in crawl spaces. This moisture can lead to serious issues such as mold growth, wood rot, and pest infestations, all of which can compromise your home’s structural integrity. AFS offers specialized crawl space repair […]
Concrete Lifting in Gardendale, AL
In Gardendale, the expansive clay soil can lead to issues with uneven and sinking concrete surfaces, affecting driveways, sidewalks, and patios. Homeowners may notice cracks and depressions that not only detract from curb appeal but also pose safety hazards. Traditional repair methods often fail to address the underlying moisture issues in the soil. AFS offers […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Ashland City, TN
In Ashland City, homeowners may face challenges with their crawl spaces due to the region’s humid climate and potential soil instability. A damaged crawl space can lead to sagging floors and structural issues throughout the home. Utilizing crawl space support jacks can restore stability by reinforcing floor joists and correcting any unevenness, ultimately protecting your […]
Concrete Lifting in Corydon, IN
Corydon’s climate, characterized by humid conditions and periodic heavy rainfall, can lead to challenges with uneven concrete surfaces. The local soil composition, which often includes clay and silt, can shift and settle over time, causing cracks and trip hazards in driveways, sidewalks, and patios. If you notice sunken or uneven concrete, PolyRenewal is an effective […]
Concrete Lifting in Sellersburg, IN
The soil conditions in Sellersburg, which often consist of clay and loam, can lead to issues with concrete surfaces. The combination of moisture from rainfall can cause soil expansion and contraction, leading to cracks and uneven concrete around your property. If you are noticing sinking or uneven concrete, our PolyRenewal solution is designed to quickly […]
Concrete Lifting in Atmore, AL
Concrete surfaces in Atmore can suffer from sinking due to the area’s high annual rainfall, averaging 60 inches. Excess moisture can erode the soil beneath concrete slabs, leading to uneven surfaces that pose tripping hazards and potential damage to vehicles. AFS utilizes PolyRenewal, a polyurethane injection system that can quickly lift and stabilize concrete surfaces […]
Concrete Lifting in Vancleave, MS
In Vancleave, the combination of clayey soil and regular rainfall can lead to uneven and sunken concrete slabs around your home. The clay soil can expand and contract with moisture, causing concrete to crack and result in tripping hazards. If you notice any uneven surfaces, our PolyRenewal solution can effectively lift and stabilize your concrete […]
Concrete Lifting in Pass Christian, MS
If you’re noticing cracks or uneven surfaces in your concrete slabs in Pass Christian, it could be the result of the region’s sandy, sometimes unstable soil. This can lead to sinking driveways, sidewalks, and patios, which not only detracts from your home’s appearance but can also pose safety hazards. Traditional repair methods often fail to […]
Concrete Lifting in Lancaster, KY
If you are noticing cracks, sinking, or uneven concrete slabs around your Lancaster home, it may be a consequence of the area’s clay soil, which can shift significantly with moisture changes. These concrete issues can detract from your home’s curb appeal and value. Traditional methods like mudjacking may not provide a lasting solution, making PolyRenewal […]
Foundation Repair in Clarksville, IN
The climate in Clarksville, characterized by humid summers and frequent rainfall, creates ideal conditions for foundation issues. The local soil, often composed of clay, can expand with moisture, exerting pressure on foundations and leading to cracks and instability. Long periods of heavy rain can saturate the soil, causing it to erode and lose its ability […]
Concrete Lifting in Russellville, KY
Concrete surfaces in Russellville can face challenges due to the area’s heavy rainfall and the resulting soil erosion. As moisture seeps into the ground, it can compromise the soil’s ability to support concrete, leading to sinking and uneven surfaces. This creates potential tripping hazards and unsightly bumps that may damage vehicles. AFS employs PolyRenewal, a […]
Concrete Lifting in Franklin, KY
Franklin, KY, experiences a climate that can lead to uneven and cracked concrete surfaces around homes. The region’s clay soils, combined with variable precipitation, can cause concrete to settle and create hazardous tripping points. If you notice sunken or uneven concrete, our innovative PolyRenewal solution can quickly lift and stabilize these surfaces, restoring safety and […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Dayton, TN
In Dayton, TN, a compromised crawl space can lead to significant structural issues, including sagging or uneven floors that may feel unstable. This can pose serious risks to your home’s foundation and the safety of your family. To address these problems, crawl space support jacks provide essential reinforcement, helping to stabilize floor joists and restore […]
Basement Waterproofing in Saraland, AL
Saraland experiences a significant amount of rainfall, averaging around 66 inches annually, which can create a high risk of moisture issues in basements. Homeowners facing wet basements know how challenging it can be to deal with the resulting odors and structural problems. It’s crucial to inspect for cracks in the floor and walls where water […]
Foundation Repair in Signal Mountain, TN
The integrity of your home’s foundation is paramount, especially in Signal Mountain, where the combination of silty and clay soils can lead to erosion and structural issues. With an average annual rainfall of approximately 60 inches, it is crucial to monitor for signs of foundation problems such as wall cracks, uneven floors, and settling. AFS […]
Concrete Lifting in Cadiz, KY
Cadiz, KY, experiences a fair amount of rainfall, which can lead to uneven concrete surfaces due to the region’s clay and loamy soils. These soil types can shift and erode over time, resulting in cracks and tripping hazards around your property. If you notice sunken or uneven concrete, our PolyRenewal solution offers a fast and […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Kathleen, GA
In Kathleen, GA, a compromised crawl space can lead to significant structural issues, such as sagging or uneven floors that may feel unstable. This is often a result of excess moisture from the humid climate, leading to weakened support structures. Implementing crawl space repairs, such as the installation of support jacks, can provide the necessary […]
Basement Waterproofing in Gautier, MS
In Gautier, the unique soil composition and regular rainfall can create significant challenges for basement waterproofing. The area receives an average of 64 inches of rain per year, leading to moisture accumulation that can seep into basements and cause damage. The clay soils prevalent in the region can expand and contract with moisture variations, increasing […]
Foundation Repair in Saraland, AL
Homeowners in Saraland often face challenges related to the expansive clay soil prevalent in the area. This type of soil swells with moisture—especially during the heavy rains that accumulate to about 66 inches annually—putting excess pressure on foundation walls, which can lead to cracks and instability. As the soil dries, it shrinks, resulting in foundation […]
Concrete Lifting in Oxford, AL
Concrete surfaces in Oxford, AL can be compromised by the area’s heavy rainfall and clay-rich soils. When the ground becomes saturated with rain, it can erode the supporting soil beneath concrete slabs, leading to sinking and uneven surfaces. This not only detracts from the appearance of your property but can also create hazards for pedestrians […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Clarksville, IN
In Clarksville, a compromised crawl space can lead to significant structural issues, including sagging and uneven floors that may feel unstable. The moist climate can exacerbate these problems, making it essential to address crawl space damage promptly to protect the integrity of your home. Installing support jacks can provide the necessary stability to your floor […]
Basement Waterproofing in Gardendale, AL
Gardendale experiences significant rainfall, averaging around 54 inches annually, which can lead to moisture issues in basements. Homeowners facing wet basements often deal with unpleasant odors and potential structural damage. Water can seep through cracks in the floor and walls, and create conditions for mold and mildew. AFS provides effective basement waterproofing solutions, utilizing below-grade […]
Foundation Repair in Gautier, MS
Foundation stability is crucial for any home, especially in Gautier, where the combination of clay soils and heavy rainfall can lead to erosion and settlement issues. With an average annual precipitation of 64 inches, the risk of foundation problems such as cracks, uneven floors, and tilting chimneys increases significantly. AFS employs advanced foundation repair techniques, […]
Concrete Lifting in Charlestown, IN
The climate in Charlestown, with its seasonal rainfall and varying soil conditions, can lead to concrete surfaces becoming uneven and cracked. The area’s soil composition, often a mix of clay and loam, can shift due to moisture fluctuations, creating tripping hazards around your property. If you notice sunken or cracked concrete, PolyRenewal is an effective […]
Basement Waterproofing in Corydon, IN
In Corydon, heavy rainfall can lead to water intrusion in your basement, creating potential hazards such as mold growth and structural damage. Homeowners should be vigilant for signs of water seepage, such as efflorescence, which is a white powdery residue that indicates moisture issues. Proper basement waterproofing is essential to safeguard your home and health. […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Signal Mountain, TN
In Signal Mountain, the crawl space plays a crucial role in supporting your home while housing vital utilities. However, the area’s average annual rainfall of 60 inches can lead to moisture issues that threaten the integrity of your crawl space. Excess moisture can result in wood rot, high humidity, and musty odors, negatively impacting both […]
Foundation Repair in Gardendale, AL
Gardendale homeowners often face challenges due to the region’s expansive clay soil, which can expand and contract significantly with moisture changes. With about 54 inches of annual rainfall, this soil can exert pressure on foundation walls, leading to cracks and uneven settling. Signs of foundation issues include visible cracks, sticking doors, and a tilting chimney. […]
Concrete Lifting in Calera, AL
Concrete surfaces in Calera can suffer due to the region’s significant rainfall, which averages around 55 inches annually. The heavy precipitation can erode the underlying soil, leading to sinking concrete and uneven surfaces that pose tripping hazards for your family and visitors. AFS utilizes PolyRenewal, a high-quality polyurethane injection system that can lift and support […]
Basement Waterproofing in Atmore, AL
In Atmore, the presence of moist soil can lead to significant challenges for basement integrity. During heavy rainfall, which averages around 60 inches annually in the region, water can accumulate between the foundation and the surrounding earth. This excess moisture can exert pressure on basement walls, resulting in cracks and leaks. AFS offers effective waterproofing […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Saraland, AL
With approximately 66 inches of rain per year, Saraland’s crawl spaces are particularly vulnerable to moisture problems. Excess humidity and standing water can lead to issues such as mold, mildew, and wood rot, creating an unhealthy living environment and inviting pests. AFS provides customized crawl space encapsulation solutions designed to seal out moisture effectively. Our […]
Foundation Repair in Corydon, IN
Corydon experiences a mix of humid summers and wet winters, creating a challenging environment for your home’s foundation. The local soil, often rich in clay, can expand when saturated and exert pressure on your foundation, leading to cracks and other structural issues. It is essential to address these problems promptly to prevent further damage. Our […]
Basement Waterproofing in Pass Christian, MS
In Pass Christian, the coastal climate contributes to high humidity and significant rainfall, which can pose serious risks to unprotected basements. Homeowners often face water intrusion problems that can lead to unpleasant odors, mold growth, and structural damage. It’s essential to address any signs of moisture, such as wall cracks or damp spots, as these […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Gautier, MS
In Gautier, the combination of high humidity and heavy rainfall—averaging 64 inches annually—can lead to significant moisture issues in crawl spaces. The clay soils in the area can trap water, creating an environment conducive to mold, wood rot, and other structural issues. These problems can compromise your home’s integrity and negatively impact your health. AFS […]
Concrete Lifting in Carriere, MS
In Carriere, uneven and sinking concrete surfaces can be attributed to the region’s clay soils, which can expand and contract due to moisture fluctuations. This can cause driveways, sidewalks, and patios to crack and heave, negatively impacting your home’s curb appeal and safety. Traditional methods of fixing these issues often fall short, failing to address […]
Foundation Repair in Atmore, AL
In Atmore, the foundation of your home is heavily influenced by the area’s soil composition and weather conditions. The region’s average annual rainfall of 60 inches can lead to soil erosion, which may compromise the support your foundation needs. Homeowners should be vigilant for signs of foundation issues, such as wall cracks, uneven floors, and […]
Basement Waterproofing in Russellville, KY
In Russellville, the health of your basement is closely linked to the characteristics of the local soil and the area’s average annual rainfall of 50 inches. The well-draining silty soils can lead to significant water infiltration during heavy rain events, putting pressure on basement walls and potentially causing cracks, leaks, and standing water. AFS offers […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Gardendale, AL
In Gardendale, where annual rainfall averages around 54 inches, crawl spaces are particularly susceptible to moisture problems. The combination of high humidity and standing water creates a breeding ground for mold, mildew, and wood rot, which can compromise your home’s structural integrity. AFS offers tailored crawl space repair solutions, including encapsulation with sealed vapor barriers, […]
Concrete Lifting in Kingston, TN
Kingston’s climate, characterized by its humid summers and ample rainfall, can lead to issues with concrete surfaces around your home. The local soil, often a mix of clay and loam, can shift and settle due to moisture, resulting in uneven, cracked, or sunken concrete. To combat these problems, our PolyRenewal solution effectively lifts and stabilizes […]
Foundation Repair in Pass Christian, MS
Homeowners in Pass Christian face unique challenges when it comes to foundation stability due to the area’s sandy and sometimes shifting soil. The significant rainfall, averaging around 64 inches annually, can exacerbate these issues, leading to foundation settlement or movement. Signs such as cracks in walls, uneven floors, or sticking doors should not be ignored, […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Corydon, IN
In Corydon, a compromised crawl space can lead to serious structural issues, including sagging floors and instability throughout your home. The humid climate can exacerbate these problems, making it crucial to address any signs of damage promptly. Support jacks are an effective solution for stabilizing and repairing crawl spaces, helping to restore your floors to […]
Basement Waterproofing in Boonville, IN
Boonville’s soil composition and climate can pose challenges for basement integrity. The region receives an average annual precipitation of 42 inches, which can lead to water accumulation around basement walls. Proper drainage is essential, as the moisture can exert pressure on the foundation, leading to cracks, leaks, and ultimately, a damp basement. AFS offers effective […]
Concrete Lifting in Jacksonville, AL
In Jacksonville, the expansive clay soil prevalent in the area can lead to issues with sinking and uneven concrete surfaces. With an average of 52 inches of rainfall each year, excess moisture can cause the soil to shift, leading to cracks in driveways, sidewalks, and patios. Traditional methods of repair, such as mudjacking, often fail […]
Foundation Repair in Russellville, KY
In Russellville, the foundation of your home relies heavily on the supporting soil, which can be challenged by the region’s average annual precipitation of 50 inches. The silty and clay soils in the area provide adequate support but are vulnerable to erosion, leading to issues such as settlement, wall cracks, and uneven floors. AFS utilizes […]
Basement Waterproofing in Leitchfield, KY
With Leitchfield receiving an average annual precipitation of around 52 inches, wet basements can become a serious issue for homeowners. Excess moisture can lead to unpleasant odors, mold growth, and significant damage to your property. It’s crucial to identify potential entry points for water, such as cracks in the walls or floors and areas of […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Atmore, AL
Crawl spaces in Atmore are crucial for maintaining the structural integrity of homes, but the region’s average annual rainfall of 60 inches can lead to moisture problems. This excess water can seep into crawl spaces, causing high humidity levels, musty odors, and wood rot, which can negatively impact both the home and its occupants’ health. […]
Concrete Lifting in Winchester, TN
Homeowners in Winchester often encounter issues with cracking and sinking concrete slabs, largely due to the region’s expansive clay soil. This type of soil can cause serious damage to driveways, sidewalks, and patios, affecting not only the aesthetics of your home but also its value. Traditional repair methods often fail to address the root cause […]
Foundation Repair in Boonville, IN
A strong foundation is essential for your home, and in Boonville, the average annual precipitation of 42 inches can impact the soil’s ability to support it. The area’s clay and silty soils, while generally good for foundation support, can become unstable with excessive moisture, leading to problems like settlement, wall cracks, and uneven floors. AFS […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Pass Christian, MS
In Pass Christian, the combination of high humidity and frequent rainfall creates an environment in crawl spaces that is ripe for moisture-related issues. With an average annual precipitation of around 64 inches, homeowners often face challenges such as mold, mildew, and wood rot due to standing water and high humidity levels. AFS provides comprehensive crawl […]
Basement Waterproofing in Oneonta, AL
In Oneonta, heavy rainfall can create a significant risk for water damage in your basement. Homeowners should be vigilant for signs of moisture intrusion, such as efflorescence, which indicates water seeping through cracks in the concrete. The damp conditions prevalent in Oneonta can lead to mold growth and unpleasant odors, making waterproofing essential for maintaining […]
Foundation Repair in Leitchfield, KY
Foundation issues in Leitchfield are often a result of the area’s clay soil, which can expand and contract significantly with moisture fluctuations. With an average annual rainfall of about 52 inches, this can create pressure on your foundation, leading to cracks and structural instability. Homeowners should be vigilant for signs of foundation problems such as […]
Concrete Lifting in Arab, AL
Homeowners in Arab, AL, often face challenges with their concrete surfaces due to the area’s clay and silty soil composition, combined with seasonal rainfall. This combination can lead to cracking and uneven concrete, creating tripping hazards around your property. If you notice that your sidewalks, driveways, or patios have become uneven, our PolyRenewal solution offers […]
Crawl Space Repair & Encapsulation in Russellville, KY
Crawl spaces in Russellville play a crucial role in your home’s structure and utility systems, but with an average annual precipitation of 50 inches, they are susceptible to moisture issues. Excess humidity and water intrusion can lead to high humidity levels, musty odors, and wood rot, which can compromise not only the structural integrity of […]